Beyond Myself: Filipino Migrant’s Investments in Philippine Futures2018-09-26T16:34:57+00:00

Beyond Myself: Filipino Migrant’s Investments in Philippine Futures

Curated with Mark Johnson and Deirdre McKay in London, Manila and Hong Kong

Gabriela worked as a post-doctoral researcher in the project ‘Curating Development: Filipina Migrants’ Investments in the Philippines’ Future’, developed together with Mark Johnson (Goldsmiths) and Deirdre McKay (Keele) and funded by an AHRC Development Grant. The project investigates the social and economic life of personal possessions and remittances sent by Filipino migrants working in London and Hong Kong to the Philippines. Gabriela is conducting interdisciplinary ethnographic research, workshops and curatorship practices with Filipino migrant domestic workers and artists. She focuses on the transnational social, economic and wellbeing consequences of migrant domestic care work, asking how these often sensitive issues can be represented in visual forms and participatory ways, and presented to a diverse public.

This work resulted in a series of visual products, including the itinerant exhibition Beyond Myself, which was displayed in London (2017-2018), Hong Kong (2018) and Manila (2018). London 3 December 2017 – 30 January 2018, Kings Way Corridor, Richard Hoggart Building, Goldsmiths, University of London. Manila, 15 February – 26 March 2018, The Vargas Museum Quenzon City and Hong Kong, 26 April – 14 May 2018, Hive Spring in Wong Chuk Hang.